Discover and Go Support

What is Discover & Go?

We are a partnership between libraries and cultural venues. We offer library cardholders from every community and background free and low-cost passes to world-class museums, theatres, aquariums, zoos, and science centers.

Do I have to manage anything? 

No. We handle all reservations and patron inquiries. 

Where can I find out more information? 

Interested cultural venues can reach us at, or you can contact your local Discover & Go partner library here:

What's the benefit to joining? 

We create public awareness for your attraction and promote your events. This can increase your attendance and membership. Additionally, we provide you with outreach to underserved communities.  

Can I change the offer I've set up to my attraction? 

Anytime! We also check in with you annually to renew and see if you need any updates. 

How is Discover & Go promoted? 

We have 49 partner libraries using and promoting the program across California. In Contra Costa County we promote the program and venues through our annual Discover & Go Month events, our tie-in with 511 Contra Costa that provides free BART tickets to venues, as well as through the Web, print, and other forms of media. Since our beginning in 2011, we've had over 1,000,000 users visit Discover & Go attractions! 

How do I track usage? 

We send you semi-annual reports that provide demographic data and quantify usage. 

What's the cost? 

Nothing. This is a free service that benefits you and our patrons.

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